With the advancement in technology, online businesses become one of the leading ways to earn money. Now, in 2020, anyone can easily build its website and start earning online. Many online businesses including affiliate marketing, e-commerce, and digital marketing, many people earn millions of dollars. The e-commerce industry becomes one of the leading industries in the world. Therefore, giving a start and opening a website is one of the best ways to earn online.
But as with any other business, an online business also has some risks. With the advantages of having an online business, there are also some of the risk factors that never needs to be ignored. In the online journey, you will face hackers and intruders. They are the hoods of the digital world.
Therefore, as a beginner, you need to secure your site by following this blog.
Importance of Hosting Your Website Securely:
In a nutshell, hosting a website simply means to upload website files on a webserver to make it appear online. From taking services of VPS hosting in Pakistan to shared hosting, there is a wide range of options to select. But the most difficult task is always to host your website securely.
In the digital world, DDoS attacks, malware, bots, hacked websites, and other forms of security vulnerabilities, become commonplace. As soon as you sign on to owning a website, you need to assume yourself in the threat of one of those security vulnerabilities. Therefore, it is important to host your website securely in 2020. Let’s take a look at top efficient ways discussed below
1. Use Reliable Host:
Choosing a hosting provider is a critical step that every beginner needs to make. As your whole website is dependent on the hosting provider, it is important for you to choose the reliable host. To host your website securely always look for the top hosting providers such as hostbreak or fast host.
2. Avoid Untrustworthy Apps:
The majority of the sites use database backend. If it’s the case with your site too, you need to avoid relying on untrustworthy apps. Remember it is important to know and trust the code behind your website. Don’t mix up between verifying the codes that it works fine, and verifying it's secure and stable. As these are two different tasks.
3. Follow Best Practices for JavaScript Coding:
One of the best ways to host your website securely is to ensure the best practices for JavaScript coding. If your site uses JavaScript, then you need to protect it from XSS attacks by sanitizing all input fields on your website.
4. Use Secure Hosting:
The majority of the time, it’s not the hosting provider that is responsible for the vulnerabilities, but it’s the platform you choose. There are four general hosting platforms. Dedicated hosting, VPS hosting, shared hosting, and cloud hosting. For beginners, it is better to rely on VPS hosting or cloud-based hosting. As it is more secure than shared hosting.
5. Update Software Regularly:
When software is regularly updated it prevents hackers and intruders to access your website. As the software gets to update it becomes more secure. Therefore, to host your website securely you must need to update all the plugins and tools regularly.