Nowadays, most people tend to buy essential items in bulk. It is beneficial, and they do not have to go to the market every other day. While this seems like the perfect idea, the problem starts when you have to preserve the items. Know that food storage is not an easy task. You need to take care of many factors for food storage. Most of the food items are fragile and can grow bacteria rapidly. That is the reason you need to be smart about your saving tactics. While talking about food fragility, how can we forget about the wine? You have to make full arrangements for preserving the wine. Besides, the wine will enhance in taste with time and age. But the confusion comes where you have to store two different types of wines at the same place. You do not need to buy a separate fridge to keep your white and red wine secure. The ideal solution is to buy yourself dual temperature wine fridge and keep both wines in it. Unfortunately, keeping the wine safe is not as simple as that. Other points need your consideration. Today we are jotting down the most crucial storage tips that you need to know. So, read below the five storage hacks that can save your wine from illness.
1. The proper temperature:
No matter what kind of wine you are storing, the first rule is always about temperature. Every wine demands the same temperature for storage. This rule is also applicable to red and white wine. Know that both wines require the same temperature for storage. The question is that why we invest in a dual temperature fridge. The answer to that question is that you need to serve both wines at different temperatures. That is the reason they need double temperature fridge. You have to present red wines 55 to 65 degrees. For white wine, you need to serve it at 49 to 55 degrees.
2. The position:
The one point you need to consider is how to keep your bottles. For keeping the wine secure, you need to take care of every minor detail. The way you keep your bottles can affects the taste of your wine. Make sure that you keep your bottles horizontally. This way, you can keep the cork moist. Horizontal placement is the most effective way to secure the wine.
3. Dark place:
You have to store your bottles in a dark place. Any artificial light or sunlight can destroy your collection of wines. Your basement is the most secure place to keep your wine.
4. Limit the vibrations:
The shaking and vibration are a big no for wine bottles. Try to do not to keep your wine beside the heavy equipment.
5. Opened Vs. unopened:
Unopened wine bottles are not secure to store. You need to consume your opened wine bottles within three to seven days. Make sure you recork the wine the right way.