Getting the right equipment is very important for pizza making, especially for preparing pizza dough. A perfect pizza dough entirely depends on the equipment you used in its making. Moreover, the right kit makes your pizza dough making step fun. Additionally, it makes your work easier and with the right equipment you can make pizza whenever you want.
But before buying equipment you should know the equipment you need and some do’s and don’ts. Because the stuff that you usually see online or in stores is not always worth spending on. And poor quality equipment usually stays in the cupboard unused. So, before buying make a list of the necessary equipment that you need to prepare the pizza dough.
Equipment that you need is digital scales to measure with precision, a dough mixer, and a wooden pizza peel. Moreover, you need a pizza preparation fridge, proofing container, and dough scraper. We have gathered details of different equipment for you. And if you will keep in mind these details before buying any equipment, you won’t get disappointed. You can buy this equipment online or from stores.
1. Buy Digital Scales:
Do you know how important percentages and ratios are in baking? While making pizza dough you need to add water, salt, and yeast in the flour. But you need to measure all the ingredients first and for that, you need some scale. And digital scales give you measurements with precision. For example, if you want to have a 60% hydration dough, you will add 600ml water in 1000g flour.
A digital scale can measure up to 0.1g accuracy. Moreover, you can place a large bowl on it and can measure more than 1kg with a digital scale.
2. A Dough Scraper:
When working with dough, this equipment will make your work easier. It is a multifunctional tool. You can scrape the dough with a dough scraper. You can also use its sharp blade to cut the dough. Additionally, you can also clean surfaces with it. Moreover, you can also handle large dough pieces with a dough scraper.
You can easily move your dough with a dough scraper instead of moving with hands. Because when you move it with hands, it turns into a sticky mess sometimes. For cutting and scraping, a metal scraper is better than plastic. Because plastic scraper doesn’t have a sharp edge.
3. Buy Proofing Containers:
If you leave the dough on the counter for long, a hard layer is formed on its surface. This happens because of the dough’s sensitivity to air. And the solution to this problem is to keep the dough in an airtight container. We usually cover the bowl with plastic wrap but this doesn’t work great with the dough.
For the dough, you will need a bowl that has enough space even when the dough gets doubled. Otherwise, the dough will overflow. But you can use a large container with an airtight lid to make your work easier. But make sure you buy a container that is easy to fix in your refrigerator and has an airtight lid.
4. A Dough Mixer:
You can knead the dough with an electric dough mixer or by hand, it’s up to you. An electric mixer usually consists of a dough hook and a bowl. When you have to deal with a large amount of dough, a dough mixer is perfect. As it completes your work with less effort and time. Moreover, kneading the dough with an electric mixer gives you consistent results.
While buying a dough mixer, check for dough hooks and planetary mixing. Moreover, make sure it is enough for the mixing of large dough pieces.