We all know that smoothies are the best way to start our day. They keep you fresh and energetic, and they are easy to make. Sometimes when you know that a busy week is coming, you need a grab-and-go meal for breakfast. In this case, your priority should always be smoothies. Most people often ask about how they can prepare milk and yogurt smoothies a week ahead. Well, it is not difficult at all. You have to make a few preparations and get some things done. Just buy some fresh vegetables and fruits for the whole week. Make sure you preserve your smoothies in a glass door display fridge, or else it will go stale. Below we have mentioned how you can prepare yogurt and milk smoothies for the week.
1. Get The Ingredients:
The first thing you need to do is to make sure you have all ingredients. If some of them are missing, buy them. When buying vegetables and fruits, make sure they are fresh. Buying stale veggies and fruits will ruin the flavor of your smoothies. If you do not have anything to store the ingredients in, get a refrigerator before it is late. Always buy good-quality and fresh milk and yogurt. Don’t forget to read the expiry date of milk and yogurt.
2. Clean and Cut:
After buying the vegetables and fruits, the next thing you should do is to clean them. Run your vegetables and fruit under clean water and remove the dirt. Now, you need to pat dry them or let them rest for some time. You can use your vegetables right after this step, and you can also refrigerate your vegetables and fruits. Now cut the vegetables and fruits with a sharp knife.
3. Blend:
In this step, throw all ingredients in a blender. Make sure all ingredients are clean and fresh. Having a high-quality blender is necessary to make good quality smoothies. A high-powered blender breaks down the components better than an inexpensive blender does. You can make different smoothies for 7-days or the same smoothie for the whole week. But it is better to prepare different smoothies every day.
4. Store:
After making the smoothie mixture, the next thing to do is to store them. There are numerous ways by which you can preserve your smoothies. You can save them in Ziploc bags, air-tight containers, plastic bags, ice trays, or bottles. Pour the smoothie mixture into the desired container. The best options are mason jars and Ziploc bags.
5. Freeze:
After pouring your smoothies into an air-tight container, it is time to freeze them. Most people think that they can refrigerate their smoothies but freezing them is the best option. You have to put your smoothies in the refrigerator, or else it will go stale. If you are freezing your smoothie in mason jars, then you will need to do some extra work. Place the smoothie jar in the refrigerator a night before you plan to drink it and let it defrost overnight.